Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Home Learning

Children will receive regular weekly home learning in Maths, Reading and Spelling. Home Learning in Rhine Class

They may also be given additional projects or tasks to support a class topic or other area of learning.

We place great emphasis on the standard of presentation of work in school and parents should also encourage children to pay careful attention to this when completing their written homework.


Children will be given a reading comprehension which should be completed in the front of their diary.  Children are also encouraged to take on more responsibility for their reading and record what they read in their reading diaries.Children may also record reading activities or challenges in their diary.   Read the text carefully and look up any words they are unsure about.  Then read the questions and highlight any keywords that might help them find where the evidence might come from in the passage.Read the passage again and highlight the keywords, phrases, headings etc that relate to the questions.Look at what marks are allocated to each question.P.E.E – make your Point, give Evidence for your point and then Explain how this evidence supports your point.Reread the question after you have written an answer and double-check you have covered all the points asked for.


Your child will be given weekly spellings to practise which they do on Spelling Frame.  They may also receive spelling investigations or challenges.


Maths Home Learning is given weekly.  This gives the pupil a chance to consolidate and apply their learning. 

To support the learning of tables your child will be given a login and password for Rockstars which is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Click on the link to access:

If you need any further support or guidance, please let us know.