Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • Welcome class of 2024!

    Published 18/09/24

    We have had an amazing start to the new school year in Darling Class. The children have all settled in and the class has become a vibrant hub of activity.

    During the first week, the whole school had a popcorn viewing of The Wrong Trousers, followed by a workshop run by Aardman Animations. The children's Gromit creations were incredible, and they have since inspired some writing and artwork, with a short animation to follow!


    The children have been enjoying spending time with their friends and making the most of the beautiful weather we have been having too...


    We have been sharing the story Cave Baby, by Julia Donaldson, from which the Reception children have built their own cave from which to re-enact the story, complete with cave paintings and a woolly mammoth. Meanwhile, Year 1 children have used the story to explore new vocabulary and practise turning simple sentences into super-sentences and writing in role as a character.


    Well done darling Class, you are superstars!

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  • Buddy Woods

    Published 17/06/24

    This morning Darling Class spent a gorgeous morning with their buddies at Stanton Woods. Watching for clues along the way, the children guessed the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears, which their buddies retold for them. Then it was time to find a special animal toy hidden for each buddy pair and to take on the challenge of building a waterproof house for it to live in. All of the children worked amazingly well together and the creations were fantastic - some were even fully waterproof! Then it was time for some free play before returning to school and resting some tired legs :)







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  • A busy first week back!

    Published 09/06/24

    We can't believe that this is the final term of the year, but we are determined to pack in as much as we can, as you can see...

    In Maths, Reception children have been exploring mass, estimating and then finding out which items are heavier and lighter and using the knowledge of how much one item weighs to make a good estimate of how much another item might weigh. Great logical thinking!


    Speaking of logic, we have had some new logic games bought for Darling Class, which the children are thoroughly enjoying... 

    We have been learning to orally retell the story of The Gingerbread Man with actions and this has inspired some creative play and writing...



    And outside, we have been making a library, car ramp stadiums and much more besides!


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  • Fantastic Writing and Artwork

    Published 26/04/24

    Following our trip to The Wild Project, Darling Class have produced an amazing book, full of wonderful pictures and writing about their favourite animal from the visit...







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  • The Wild Project

    Published 18/04/24

    This week, Darling Class visited The Wild Project in Bristol, to kick-start our Amazing Animals topic.

    The children took part in an African Safari workshop, where they did giraffe-inspired yoga, learnt amazing facts about African wildlife and got up close with real animal artefacts donated to the project, including a python snakeskin, impala horns, tortoise shell and leopard skin.

    The children were able to meet an amazing array of animals - among the favourites; the lynx, bears, meercats, ostriches, ring-tailed lemurs, giraffes, zebras, village weavers and of course, the red panda which had come out to see us...





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  • Fantastic Farm Visit

    Published 25/03/24

    This week we visited a local farm and got up and close with the animals. We learnt lots about what lambs need to grow, how they are fed, why some need bottles of milk and what their mummies need too.



    There were lots of different farm machines busy working. We got to hear what each one is used for and even got to sit in the tractor- it was so high up and the wheels were bigger than us!



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