Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Rhine Blog

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Page 16

  • Rhine Class Year 6 Maths Mocktails

    Published 22/05/17

    3 Part Measuring, 2 Part Ratio, 1 Part Slurping! 

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  • Rhine Maths & Perfect Pancakes

    Published 28/02/17

    To celebrate Shrove Tuesday Rhine Class made maths and pancakes mix.

    We measured our ingredients, converted units of measure and identified the radius, diameter and circumference of a circle.

    But the best bit was tasting our pancakes! 

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  • Rhine Class go to the Zoo!

    Published 02/02/17

    Rhine Class visited Bristol Zoo to take part in the Rainforest Experience to link with their Geography learning. 




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  • Rhine Class Residential to Oxenwood

    Published 25/09/16

    Come along to our assembly on Thursday at 2:30 to hear and see what we have been up to.  

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  • Rhine Class Roald Dahl Dress Up

    Published 18/09/16

    Rhine Class finished the Roald Dahl themed week with the Dahlicious Dress Up and a lunch menu fit for the Twits!  It's not everday you get to eat Stinky Rotten Vegetable flan or Ponky Packed Lunch.

    We also shared our favourite Roald Dahl books.  Matilda came out on top closely followed by Danny Champion of the World.  

    It has been great to see children inspired and keen to read Roald Dahl.  We also created some fantastic Revolting Rhymes which we will publish soon.

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  • Rhine's Marvellous Medicines 

    Published 15/09/16

    To celebrate Roald Dahl's 100th Birthday, Rhine Class put their maths skills to the test by creating marvellous medicines, just like George.

    The children measured out different amounts of Cow Ointment, Golden Gloss Hair Shampoo, Extra Hot Chilly Spicy Sauce, Dark Tan Shoe Polish and the Famous Dandruff Cure in an attempt to find the correct recipe to shrink granny back to the correct size.  

    After they created their own medicines: The Purple One!  Rusty Dragon Blood! And thought about what would happen if they were given a spoonful.  

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