Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Rhine Blog

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Page 14

  • Welcome back to a new school year

    Published 24/09/18

    Welcoming new and old friends.  Everyone has settled in well and we are looking forward to a fabulous term ahead!

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  • Rhine Class Plastic Clever Day

    Published 27/03/18

    Rhine class have worked so hard this term and today they had the opportunity to share their learning with the rest of the school.  Their Plastic Clever Day started with a whole school assembly where they shared what plastic is doing to our planet and how we can reduce the plastic footprint.  This was followed by a very cool rap with catchy lyrics but a serious message.  Groups then went to the classes to 'teach' them more about single use plastic.  They did a short drama using soft cuddly animals who had been trapped by plastic, a true or false quiz, informative video clips and the chance to make their own posters to raise awareness.  The teachers were all very impressed with their knowledge and ability to explain.  
    Rhine class feel very strongly about making a difference and have more ideas which we hope to share soon. 

    Well done Rhine class - we are proud of you!

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  • Rhine Class Keeping Safe

    Published 17/03/18

    'Making responsible, informed decisions relating to medicines, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and other substances' was the message given to Rhine Class yesterday.

    Thank you to Dr. Brown who presented a very engaging and informative presentation based on the children's questions. 

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  • Rhine Class campaign to become a Plastic Clever Class 

    Published 24/01/18

    As part of our topic ‘That’s Life’ and to support our learning in PSHE we have decided to try and become a Plastic Clever Class.  We read an article in First News called ‘Turning the Tide on Plastic’ with inspired us to contact the Kids Against Plastic Campaign.  Some of the facts we read surprised us and made us want to make a difference. 

    Did you know one third of marine litter is plastic bottles?

    We watched part of an episode of Blue Planet which shows what happens to plastic when it is dumped into our oceans. 
    We have created a survey and sent to parents to find out what we can do to help sustain our planet.  We will share the results soon and give you some tips on how we can make a difference.  


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  • Rhine Class trip to the theatre to see the LWW

    Published 06/12/17

    Rhine Class travelled to The Crescent Theatre to watch  Glyn Robbins’ dramatisation of C. S. Lewis’ novel, 'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe'.  It was fantastic to see a live performance and we even got to meet some of the characters after the play.

    Next week we will be writing reviews and making comparisons to the novel.  

    A superb finale to our topic!

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  • Rhine Class Design, Make & Test Fan Boats

    Published 27/11/17




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