Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • Spring Term 2 begins

    Published 06/03/22

    It might only have been a four day week, but we have certainly packed a lot in...

    We enjoyed making play dough pancakes and deciding which delicious (and some a little unusual) ingredients we were going to add...


    We began our new PE topic of Locomotion...


    Then took to the Big Woods for some special story telling...

    and had a very memorable and fun World Book Day...


    Finally, to end the week, we got creative with an Artist, who introduced us to his splodge machine...




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  • Buddy Baking

    Published 15/02/22

    This week we got together with our buddies to make heart shaped gingerbread biscuits and marshmallow crunchies, in honour of Saint Valentine's Day and to help raise money for our new school library.

    We love spending time with our buddies and chatting to them while we cooked was a lot of fun. They helped us to work through the method, helping us to weigh the ingredients and use the hob to melt the butter and marshmallows.

    A truly wonderful time for all.

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  • Visit from the vet

    Published 03/02/22

    This week we were very fortunate to have a visit from Amber Batson, a vet and animal behaviourist.

    Amber said that as a vet she needs lots of help from the people she works with; we were very happy to be her vet helpers!

    First we learned that we need to be quiet, calm and comforting to animals, as they will be scared and frightened, just like us when we go to the doctors.

    Also, when we meet people's dogs, we should never touch them without asking if they like to be stroked first and then approach them calmly and quietly. We learned that if a dog approaches us we need to stand like trees, with our branches in and looking at our roots - it was fun to practise this!

    Then it was time to get to work and meet the first patient of the day. We met Fluffy the bunny, who had hurt her leg. We watched how the vet bandaged the leg and then put a funny cover over the top with chicken pictures on it! This was to keep the bandage clean and dry, incase Fluffy stepped in her water bowl.

    We helped to count out the tablets for Max, who needed them to help his sore leg get better.

    We then got in our car and drove to the farm to meet our next patient, Bob. Bob needed a tetanus injection. This needed to go into the neck muscles and Bob was stroked to keep home calm and comfort him.

    Then we travelled back to the surgery to meet the last patient, Boo. Boo had been a bit naughty and swallowed something he shouldn't have. The vet took Boo to a special room to do an x-ray and when we looked at the x-ray we could see something inside Boo' stomach that should not be there. It was time to do an OPERATION!


    Boo was given an injection to sedate him, and then we held an oxygen mask over his mouth to help him to breathe. The vet then had to cut open Boo's skin to get to his stomach and do you know what was pulled out - batteries! Thank goodness the vet was able to get those out. Then Boo's stomach had to be stitched carefully back up again.

    What an exciting and busy day vets have!!

    Thank you so much Amber for your inspiring visit.





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  • Looking after the patients

    Published 07/01/22

    This first week back we have been exploring the job of being a doctor and nurse, and the children have really put what they are learning into practice, as you can see...

    We took appointments...


    Dressed wounds with bandages...


    Checked blood pressure...

    Wrote out prescriptions...


    Held a baby clinic... 


    Checked reflexes and took out splinters...


    And when we weren't sure what the best course of action should be, we checked in a book...

    A lot of fun and fantastic learning!

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  • Woodland fun!

    Published 16/12/21

    We have had a wonderful time in the woods these last few weeks, and we thought we would share a few of the highlights with you ...

    Making our own tools and using them to make holes for animals...

    Helping worms find their way back into the earth...

    Working together to make a river from Stanton to London...


    Decorating the trees, because why should Christmas trees get all the attention...


    And finally, having the chance to take a moment to just be...


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  • Buddies Space Party

    Published 05/12/21

    Keen to spend time with our older buddies from Rhine Class, we invited them to an outdoor Space event to share our enthusiasm for our learning this term.

    We took part in a space challenge to carry meteorites out of the earth's atmosphere, travelling over clouds, along comets and in and out of space debris...



    We launched rockets into space...


    and raced to find all the planets to create our solar system ...


    At the end we shared some delicious vegan star biscuits that we had made...


    There would be a picture of the finished article, but they were so yummy that they were all eaten very quickly, as you can see...

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