Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • A busy week in Darling Class

    Published 29/09/22

    This week we have been exploring with our senses...

    Smelling different herbs and adding them to dough...


    Colour matching the woods...

    Continuing with our incredible home creations...



    Building homes outside too...

    Exploring and creating patterns and finding the mistakes...


    Investigating which utensil picks up conkers the easiest and why; counting; estimating how many will fit into a container and comparing size...

    Playing hide and seek with our woodland friends and waiting for fairies...


    Having fun with our friends...


    And last but not least, performing the song we have been learning in class 'Big, red combine harvester' to our school and families at the Harvest Festival...

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  • Enjoying our environment

    Published 22/09/22

    We are having an exciting time in Darling class as we get to know our surroundings, access and engage with the environment and the resources within it.

    Here is a little taste of what we have been enjoying...

    Creating our own aquarium, complete with fish tanks, tickets and souvenirs...

    Making funny faces with play dough...

    Counting, matching, comparing and sorting...

    Baking a wedding cake...

    Building up our muscle strength...

    Helping with the harvest...

    Designing and building homes with our own choice of materials...


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  • First week in Darling Class

    Published 09/09/22

    We are so amazed at how quickly the children have settled in, adapting to new routines and making new friends. 

    Here are a few photos from our first week, so you can see for yourselves...





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  • Birds on a wire

    Published 27/06/22

    After creating some imaginative birds, we decided to see how well they could fly...

    We started with a low zip wire and found they needed a bit of a push...

    How about we start them a bit higher...


    They went much quicker and smoother...

    How about short and steep was another suggestion...


    They flew down this one...

    But what about a triangle...

    Or a square...

    Then home to roost...


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  • Darling visit Slimbridge

    Published 08/06/22

    Today we were lucky enough to visit Slimbridge and as you will see, we had an amazing time...

    We began our day feeding the birds, some of them were very friendly!



    We looked at how webbed feet help birds walk on soft ground and sand, as well as helping them to swim. We also learned that we have webbing too - between our thumb and forefinger!


    We compared birds feathers to the clothes we wear to keep us warm...


    and investigated the food we eat compared to those of the birds...


    After this we explored the birds and wildlife as we went on a scavenger hunt...





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  • The Lovely Bug Club

    Published 23/05/22

    This week we read the wonderful story 'The Ugly Bug Club' by Gail Abbitt.

    This led to a fascinating debate over which bug would make the best pet....

    "I would choose a spider because it would tickle me"

    "I would choose a woodlouse because I don't like slugs or snails because they are slimy. A woodlouse isn't scary or slimy, and it wouldn't bite me."

    "I would like a stick insect because I'm scared of spiders and I would keep it safe and put another stick next to it so the predators would get confused."

    "I would choose a spider because then I could use it to scare people."

    However, knowing that we couldn't take an actual bug home, we made our own minibeast pet to look after and play with...



    We all agreed that the Ugly Bug Club should be renamed 'The Lovely Bug Club' and here they are having their very first meeting...

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