Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • Dinosaur visits Darling

    Published 13/01/23

    We have had an extremely exciting week, which began with us finding mysterious (and very large) footprints on the floor in the classroom. Not only that, the tables were upturned, there were cauliflower leaves strewn everywhere and then, hiding under a table, was an egg and a note...



    After much animated discussion, it was decided that we needed to make a comfortable nest for the egg, so we set out to do just that...


    We wrote back to the dinosaur to let her know what we would do...


    Then we watched and waited...

    We checked to hear the heartbeat and took great care of it...


    Until one morning we arrived in school to find the egg was empty and a note from Dino, letting us know that the egg had hatched in the night and they had returned home.

    We were so happy that the dinosaur had hatched! We couldn't wait to build our time machine to visit the baby triceratops straight away...



    See you soon, we are off on a dinosaur adventure x

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  • Happy 2023!

    Published 09/01/23

    We have come back very exited to be with our friends, as you can see...






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  • Fun in the snow!

    Published 13/12/22

    Eager to make the most of the snow while it is here, we wrapped up warm, put our waterproofs and boots on and headed out to have fun!






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  • Busy, busy...

    Published 04/12/22

    Inspired by the scaffolding that has gone up around the school, the children have taken great delight in managing their own construction sites, including drawing up plans, negotiating a safe height for their buildings and using the hand tools.

    Inside we have been busy in the post office, writing cards, letters and messages, and of course delivering them...



    The Reception children have been exploring bods to five and beyond...

    And in Nursery we have been exploring all about the number 2...

    We are very much enjoying putting on performances; singing, dancing and even plays...


    We are using our phonics knowledge to read and sort 'real' and 'alien' words...

    and exploring properties of shapes...

    Finally, we have enjoyed our sensory play making hot chocolates...yummy!

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  • Wonderful Westonbirt

    Published 14/11/22

    Today Darling Class had a fantastic day out at Westonbirt Arboretum.

    We used our senses to explore the surroundings, made potions, hid and found nuts like squirrels and challenged ourselves physically.

    Here are a few photos of our day. We hope you enjoy them.







    We would also really like to thank all the parents and grandparents who accompanied us - we couldn't do it without your support.

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  • A glimpse of life in Darling Class

    Published 13/11/22

    We thought you might like to have a little look at what we have been up to since coming back after half-term.

    Building together creates exciting outcomes ...

    In the Nursery we have been developing our pre-writing skills, moving our crayons to music while we squiggle while we wiggle!

    Taking on a challenge - can you balance the two sides; and celebrating our successes!


    Using our phonics knowledge to sort objects by their initial sound and sounding out and writing the words...

    Exploring the wonderful world of webs and learning about their importance for spiders as a way to attract food and as a home...


    Getting busy and inspired by the school scaffolding and roofers working at the school!

    Learning from each other's experiences about how Diwali is celebrated, exploring rangoli patterns and making Diva lamps...



    I wonder what we will get up to next week!


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