Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • Coronation fever

    Published 02/05/23

    Excitement has been building in Darling Class ahead of the King's Coronation.

    We have been building palaces, both big and small...




    A safe for the crown jewels, complete with a secret compartment chair for King Charles to store his food in...

    Making coronation crown biscuits with our buddies...


    Hand printing Union Jack flags...

    Proudly showing off our wonderful crown creations...

    Taking part in a coronation re-enactment...


    Coronation Sports...


    And a special coronation dance...


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  • First week of the Summer term

    Published 19/04/23

    We have had a wonderful first week back after the Easter holidays.  The children have all come back happy and excited and brimming with enthusiasm!

    Here are a few pictures from this week...

    Numbering the trains on the track...

    Building an army barracks...

    Having our own ideas and getting creative...

    A sweet and chocolate dispensing machine 

    a bed...

    a musical shaker ...

    an egg and spoon obstacle course race... 

    and a library! 

    We made our own porridge and explored different the different flavours and smells of cocoa, rose water, golden syrup and vanilla - yummy!

    getting physical...


    And making the most of the sunshine!!

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  • Darling Class Stay and Read

    Published 14/03/23

    We have spent a wonderful afternoon taking part in activities around the traditional tale 'Jack and the Beanstalk', with our grown-ups.

    We got our funky fingers moving, shelling peas and then using tweezers to put the correct amount in each cup case...


    We retold the story of Jack and the Beanstalk with our grown-ups, using story props...

    We had fun creating masks for the characters in the story...


    We shared the alternative version of the story that we had written...

     We made towers and ladders as tall as the beanstalk...

    We took on the challenge to construct a safety harness to stop the egg from cracking as it rolled down the drainpipe...



    We reused newspaper to make plant pots and planted seeds to take home...


    We sequenced words to make sentences and checked that they made sense before writing them ...


    We took our grown-up to the shoe shop...


    And of course we shared some stories...

    Thank you so much for coming.

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  • Celebrating books, storytelling and reading

    Published 01/03/23

    We have had a wonderful week, celebrating stories.

    Retelling the story 'We're going on a bear hunt' using props...


    Visiting the Story Museum...




    And of course, celebrating 'World Book Day' with our wonderful hats and costumes...





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  • Thank You Families

    Published 08/02/23

    Darling Class would like to say a huge thank you to all the families for coming into school to share a special Dinosaur Date with the children.

    The children had been very excited writing their invitations and were so pleased to be able to share some of what we have been doing this term with you, including their song, fossils and dinosaurs junk modelling.









    Most of all they loved creating their dinosaur inspired snack and sharing a dinosaur story (or two, or three...!) with you.


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  • Digging for Dinosaur Bones

    Published 31/01/23

    After hearing about Lucky, a local dog who had escaped and dug up a bone in our woods area, we were keen to become archaeologists and see if we could find bones of our own.


    And would you believe it...we found dinosaur bones!!!!


    The tricky part was putting the bones back together again!!


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