Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • Getting creative and starting to use our phonics in our play

    Published 18/10/23

    Reception might only have been learning phonics for six weeks, but we are already starting to see them apply their new-found knowledge in their play.

    From writing 'open' labels for treasure chests...

    tomaps for pirates to follow...

    then 'Danger' signs to warn others ...

    ...of the 'monsters' in the pit...

    and, of course, things got very exciting as the adventure expanded and play progressed!


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  • We've been busy!

    Published 05/10/23

    The term has been flying by, so we thought we would show you some of what we have been getting up to...

    Playing with our friends...



    Exploring patterns...


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  • First week back!

    Published 08/09/23

    We have had a very happy start to the school year, exploring our new classroom, getting to know each other and making friends.

    Here is a little glimpse of what we have done this week...







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  • Ships Ahoy!

    Published 20/06/23

    Inspired by the fantastic story 'The Pirate Cruncher' by Jonny Duddle, we had a very busy afternoon building our own pirate ship..


    Complete with a 'walk the plank'...


     Water cannon...


    Pirate grog...

    and treasure maps...


    With the pirate ship complete and ready to set sail, it was time to follow those maps...

    use the lock and key and see what treasure there was...



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  • The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

    Published 16/06/23

    This week we shared the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' by Ronda and David Armitage. We paused after Hamish the cat's failed attempt to guard the lunch basket and had a wonderful time thinking up alternative ways that Mr and Mrs Grinling could try to prevent the pesky seagulls from pilfering Mr Grinling's very delicious lunch. 

    The Reception children were eager to write a postcard to Mr and Mrs Grinling to share their ideas...

    Nursery and Reception had great fun designing and creating their own lighthouses, modifying and extending their ideas as they went along...



    We were all very impressed at the array of delicious food Mrs Grinling packed in the lunch basket for Mr Grinling, and some of the Nursery children were inspired to design their own favourite lunchbox...


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  • Fun playing cricket!

    Published 22/05/23

    The reception children in Darling class have had a wonderful time learning to play cricket over the past two weeks. 

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