Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

Page 14

  • When Robot came to stay

    Published 01/10/20

    When we entered our classroom on Monday morning we had a very big surprise. Sat waiting for us was a silver robot, with a message.

    The message asked if the robot could come to stay with us. We said "yes"!

    The message also had robot writing which our teacher could not read, but luckily a few of us children know how to read robot language. It said 'I am a robot. I need new batteries'. Our teacher was amazed that we were able to read robot language - we think we will have to give her some lessons!

    We wanted to write messages back to robot, here are a few of them ...

    The robot was so happy with our messages that when we arrived in school the next day, there was a present waiting for us.

    We decided to make some friends for our robot. Here are some of our amazing designs. 

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  • Our new class

    Published 18/09/20

    These photos are a little taster of what we have been up to in our first few weeks at Stanton school. 

    So, when you ask us "What have you been doing today?" and we reply "Nothing", please know that we are probably a little tired as we have been very busy.

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