Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

Page 11

  • Superheroes to the rescue

    Published 29/04/21

    Our superheroes theme has continued, and we began the week with a very special 'Superheroes dress up day'.

    These superheroes had a fabulous day, building "A boat that can also go on the road"...


    Saving batman from sinking sand...

    Flying over buildings to rescue people ...

    Keeping a bonfire under control ...

    And finally, learning all about real-life Superheroes, the firefighters, and what we need to do to stay safe or if there is a fire...

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  • Superheroes to the rescue

    Published 22/04/21

    Before the Easter holidays, the children decided that they would like to start the term with a Superheroes topic.

    We began by turning our outside area into a Superheroes Headquarters.

    It needed a training area so the Superheroes stay fit and strong...





     a Superhero worthy vehicle

    and the all important message centre, with secret areas for writing messages to the superheroes...



    and a place to hide!  


    Then it was time to become superheroes ourselves as we set out on a mission to rescue some lost animals in the woods.

    We split up into two teams and began by sending out scouts to look for the animals and report back to the team.

    After locating the lost animals we set about creating a map for the other team to use in their rescue.

    Thankfully the rescue missions were successful! Great job Darling Class!

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  • The Great Easter Egg Hunt

    Published 01/04/21

    This week we have been getting very excited about Easter and with an Easter Egg hunt planned for the end of the week, we wanted to make it extra fun and special for our Buddies in Rhine Class too.

    We made each of our buddies an Easter card...


    But these were no ordinary Easter cards!!!

    Inside there was a map and a clue...



    Then we waited in great anticipation as our buddies began the Great Easter Egg Hunt...

    And then it was our turn...


    A brilliant end to an eggscellent term!

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  • Woodland adventures

    Published 17/03/21

    Reconnecting with each other and nature has been an important part of our school life these past few weeks.





    And would you believe... we even found more dinosaur bones!!!

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  • Maths is Fun!

    Published 11/03/21

    Asked what they love about maths, here were some of the children's responses:

    "It is fun!"

    "We get to play games and it's really exciting."

    "We do maths outside."

    "It's like we're learning but we're playing too."

    So we thought we would share some of the fun that we have been having doing our maths with you.

     "I found five, 5 and 5 is 10."

    "I can put 2 here, then that makes 10 and I get the boat!"





     "My shopping list. I need 35 things altogether, that is a lot."

    Great fun was had playing the track game in teams and avoiding the icebergs.


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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 22/02/21

    The last week of term was an exciting one, for those at home and in school, as we learned all about Chinese New Year, how it came about and how it is celebrated.

    We had great fun creating Chinese New Year fireworks pictures - outside and...



    ... on the computer!


    We hunted for money and compared the amounts.



     We made Chinese New Year banners and wrote captions for them.

    Finally, to celebrate the Year of the Ox we created this wonderful artwork from natural materials.



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