Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Darling Blog

A very warm welcome to Darling Class. Please do have peep at what we have been getting up to.

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  • Darling visit the Big Woods

    Published 05/07/21

    While we spend a lot of time in the woods on the school grounds, today was very exciting, as we ventured to the Big Woods!

    We explored all the nooks and crannies...


    Joined the circus and walked the trapeze...


    We boarded a pirate ship and sailed the seven seas...


    Hoisted the main sail and raised the flag...

    before digging for buried treasure...        

    Then it was time to make a camp fire and settle down at home,

     cook some dinner ... and RELAX!






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  • Deep sea diving

    Published 28/06/21

    Inspired by the story 'Dougal's Deep Sea Diary' by Simon Bartram, we decided that exploring the ocean would be great fun, but that a submarine would mean that we could all go together...

    So, we set about building our very own submarine ...


    securing the sides...

    adding in the portholes ...


    and periscopes...

    then finally, a roof!

    We made ourselves tickets for this amazing voyage ...


    and set off on an adventure of a lifetime...

    However, the fun did not stop there because lo and behold, out of the ocean who would we meet, but swashbuckling pirates...

    each in their own private boat, looking for Atlantis and hidden treasure!

    Not wanting any trouble, we joined forces and explored our underwater world together. Phew!!


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  • Teddy Bears' Picnic and Sports Day fun

    Published 22/06/21

    Today we welcomed our new Reception children into school for a Teddy Bears' Picnic and Sports Day fun.

    We hoola-hooped...


       and chased those that got away.


    We ever so carefully took our eggs on a spoon for a walk...


    ... helped our teddies navigate their way round the cones.

    Finally, we raced to the finish line of the obstacle course!

    A truly wonderful morning and a well deserved picnic and certificate.



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  • Green Fingers

    Published 16/06/21

    This term we have been growing our own vegetables and are starting to enjoy the fruits of our labour!

    We planted potatoes in the tyres - these aren't quite ready yet, but we are doing a great job looking after them...

    We also planted carrots, chard, different varieties of lettuce and onions.


    We have watered them each day that it hasn't rained, and we put lemon and lime slices on the soil to stop the slugs and snails nibbling them all.

    This week we picked some lettuces that were ready and even enjoyed them with our lunch!


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  • Darling Class, the Giant and the Beanstalk

    Published 21/05/21

    A most peculiar thing happened to us in Darling Class this week...

    While telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, six beans were thrown behind the teacher, but only five were found again by the children. Where this last bean went, we do not know...

    But, the very next day, a beanstalk had grown in our classroom, with a message attached!

    Well, the message was all jumbled up, but we were clever and used our phonics and our sight words to put the words into the correct order to read the message.

    It was from THE GIANT!

    He didn't have very good manners, so we wrote messages back to him, showing how to be polite, and do you know what...?

    He wrote a much nicer message the very next day and even gave us some magic beans of our own.

    We had to say thank you for that!

    And who knows what will happen to our beans.....?

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  • Douglas says 'Hello'

    Published 11/05/21

    This week, all the children who will be in our Reception 2021 intake received a postcard, through the post, from a very special person - Douglas!

    Douglas is Darling Class' very own giraffe, and he wanted to say a very big welcome to these children who will be starting their very special school journey with us in September.

    Here are some of the children with their postcard...





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