Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together


Hot off the press!

All the latest news from Stanton St Quintin School.

Page 10

  • Jubilee Pudding Winner

    Published 16/05/22


    Congratulations to our winning pudding ‘The Elizabeth Red Velvet‘. It has become the official SSQ Platinum Pudding for our Jubilee Celebration. Thank you to everyone who took part and to our chef, who chose the winning design to bake as part of our Big Lunch.

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  • Off to county finals

    Published 13/05/22

    Congratulations to the SSQ cricket team who placed 2nd today and are off to the county finals in June!! #youcandoitwhenyouSSQit 🏏

    Thank you to Chippenham Sports Partnership for hosting a fantastic event. 

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  • Admin Officer Vacancy at Langley.

    Published 11/05/22

    Admin Officer vacancy at Langley.

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  • Maternity cover for Early Years Teacher.

    Published 11/05/22

    Maternity cover, Early Years Teacher.

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  • Amazon Class Complete 100 Miles in March for WWF!

    Published 11/04/22

     Please join me in saying a HUGE well done to Amazon Class for completing their 100 Miles in March challenge for WWF! The children have shown enthusiasm and dedication to reach their target throughout March, running around our school field in rain, sun and even snow. Chanting, “We’re doing it for the animals!” whilst running, has really helped us along.

    Thank you for your donations on Facebook and through ParentPay, so far raising over £200!

    I am so proud of each and every one of the children and shall present their certificates after the Easter break.

    Mrs Anderson 🐼

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  • Book Club Success!

    Published 11/04/22

    This week, Rufus joined us with a special Easter treat for our KS2 Book Club members.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and discussing The Night Bus Hero with fellow book enthusiasts this term and look forward to continuing Book Club next term. Not long now and we’ll be holding our lunchtime club in our new library!

    Have a wonderful Easter filled with books and chocolate 🐣

    With love from Mrs Anderson and Rufus🐻


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