Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Wild Art and Den Building

Today we had a lovely team building and critical thinking time in the woods!

hem!Today we started off by walking to the woods and meeting the local farmer, Ian Plummer!  He was sowing winter wheat and told us all about how the tractors work and how the winter wheat is used for making flour or livestock feed.  We felt very lucky to bump into him and see the tractors at work!

Next, we went into the woods and noticed all the seasonal changes.  Lots of leave have fallen from the deciduous trees, so we decided to use this for our topic, The Great Fire of London.  We chose red, orange and yellow leaves to create collages on the trees that made them look like they were on fire! 




Some of the leaves looked like they were already burnt, as the sun and the frost had scorched them!






We had to think carefully about how we were going to make the leaves climb up the trees.  Some of us used sticks to pin them to the trees, some of us found burdock burs to Velcro them to the trees.  One group made a tower to support the leaves while lots of us found trees that were more horizontal and would hold the leaves better.  We worked with our teams to solve these problems as the grown ups weren't allowed to do it for us, they could only ask us questions to help us find the answer!

We really enjoyed making this wild art and worked unbelievably well together, Mrs Todd was VERY proud!







After making our natural art, we built dens together, working as a team to create secure hideaways!  It was hard work and before we knew it, it was time to head home!  Another fun morning learning at the woods!

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