Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together



The Federated Board of Governors for Langley Fitzurse & Stanton St Quintin Schools

The role of the Board of Governors, as stipulated by the Department for Education, is to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Hold the Executive Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is well spent.


The Board of Governors is made up of 12 governor positions and two associate members, as follows:

  • 2 Parent Governors (elected by the Parents)
  • 1 Local Authority Governor (appointed by the Local Authority)
  • 3 Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese)
  • 1 Staff Governor (appointed by the Staff)
  • 1 Executive Head (ex officio)
  • 4 Co-Opted Governors (appointed by the Board of Governors)
  • 3 Associate members (appointed by the Board of Governors)


  • Elect the Chair & Vice Chair
  • Approve the school budget
  • Review & agree the School Improvement Plan
  • Agree any general principles on pupil discipline
  • Decide any changes in the times of school sessions
  • Set the Governors’ objectives for the year
  • Ensure all pupils can take part in a daily act of worship


  • Hold a meeting at least once a term
  • Consider the LA’s curriculum policy
  • Ensure that the national curriculum is implemented
  • Ensure that RE and daily collective worship are provided

Our Committees

There are 3 committees – Finance & Resources, Teaching, Learning & Development and Christian Distinctiveness.  The governing body will determine the membership of these committees and remains accountable for any decisions taken.  The overriding objective of the committees is to work towards an outstanding rating from Ofsted and from SIAMS (statutory Inspections of Anglican & Methodist Schools) at the earliest opportunity, and to maintain that standard.  Towards meeting this objective they will work closely with the full governing body, the school and all stakeholders, including the Church.  With them, they will ensure that the necessary steps are embedded in the School Improvement Plan and the Self Evaluation Form to drive the schools forward.

Our Panels and Working Groups

In order to support the work of the committees, we have the following Panels and Working Groups:

Performance Management Panel

Composed of Chair of Governors, a member from each of the Committees, including a Foundation governor and our School Improvement Partner.  The compliment of this committee will not include members of staff or those with a conflict of interest.  Where this may occur the FGB will appoint another person. This panel undertakes the Executive Headteacher’s annual performance review and recommending any Executive Headteacher’s pay increment.

Appeals/Complaints Panel

Composed of 3 other non staff governors (not from the staffing panel), has the delegated power to hear appeals/complaints, ensure the policy for Appeals and complaints is adhered to and make decisions following a Pay Panel Meeting.

Pay Panel

Comprises 3 members.   This panel meets once a year to approve the result of the Headteacher’s performance review and any recommendation for a salary increment. This panel also approves the pay policy including performance related pay for teachers.

Our Link Governors

In order to better understand key areas of the schools and provide a link between the governing body and staff we have appointed link governors for the following areas:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • SEN
  • Church
  • Safeguarding
  • Health & Safety

We will also appoint a Governor of the Term, who will visit both schools in connection with the current FGB focus.

Some of our Responsibilities

Function Tasks
GB Procedures To draw up instrument of government and any amendments thereafter
  To appoint (and remove) the chair, vice-chair and clerk of a permanent or a temporary governing body
  To hold a full governing body meeting at least three times in a school year
Curriculum Approve and monitor curriculum policy
  Approve and monitor sex education policy
  Approve and monitor Special Education Needs (SEN) policy.
  Ensuring that Racial Equality and Cultural Diversity are included in the PSHCE policy
  Approve and monitor charging and remissions policy for activities outside the NC
Budgets To prepare and approve formal budget plan for each financial year
  To monitor monthly expenditure.
  To establish a charging and remissions policy
  Miscellaneous financial decisions
  To enter into contracts over £2,000
  Identify budget priorities in school development plan
Staffing Headteacher appointment, suspension and dismissal
  Approve and monitor pay policy
  Establishing disciplinary /capability procedures
  Determining staff complement
Performance Management Approve and monitor performance management policy
  To implement the performance management policy for the Headteacher
Discipline/ Exclusions Approve and monitor discipline policy
  To review the use of exclusion and to decide whether or not to confirm all permanent exclusions and fixed term exclusions where the pupil is either excluded for more than 15 days in total in a term or would lose the opportunity to sit a public examination.
Admissions To appeal against LA directions to admit pupil(s)
Collective Worship Arrangements for collective worship
Premises Buildings insurance and personal liability
  Procuring and maintaining buildings, including developing properly funded maintenance plan
  Monitor condition of site and premises. Approve repairs over £1000
Health & Safety Approve and monitor a health and safety policy as agreed with LA
School Organisation To publish proposals to change category of school
Information For Parents Adoption and review of home-school agreements
School Improvement Plan Review, accept and delegate School Improvement Plan
Extended Schools To decide whether to offer additional activities and to what form these should take