Hope - a virtual assembly from Becky Fisher

Hello everyone, our Christian value this term is Hope
I hope you had a good Easter with lots of chocolate. I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the pictures of you working hard and having fun at home. You really are a wonderful group of children and Stanton is very proud of you all. I think of you often and hope that you are safe and well.
Watch this song I found on youtube – I hope you will sing along and join in the actions.
When we are at school we always say together ‘God is love all the time.’ Even when we are facing difficult times we know that God is with us and loves each one of us. It’s good to look for signs of hope everyday. There are lots of signs of hope in the Bible, the first one is a rainbow. This is the sign God gave to Noah as a promise that he would care for the world.
See how many rainbows you can see in house windows when you walk round the village, say thank you to God for each one.
Becky Fisher