Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

The Day Stanton Visited Buckley Barracks.

The whole school visited Buckley Barracks last week and had a fabulous time!  Visiting places such as the Barracks supports our children in not only developing personal learning skills but also helps us learn about the wider community. This forms part of the school’s learning about British Values and is part and parcel of our creative and wider curriculum.


When we got back to school we asked the children two questions…

What skills did you develop during the day? and What did you find out more about?

Here are their thoughts…

What skills did we develop?

· Work in a team

· Trust

· Communication

· Perseverance

· Patience

· Taking turns

· Being brave – trying something new

· Hand-eye co-ordination

· Support in each other

· Working in partnership


What did we find out more about?

· We found out about the equipment the soldiers used.

· We learned how to operate the crane.

· Jumping over the box on the obstacle course was hard.

· When we crawl under the cargo net, this was called a leopard crawl.

· If there was a gas attack, the soldiers would shout ‘gas,gas,gas’

· The clothing the soldiers wore was very heavy.


We would like to say a huge thank you to all the soldiers at Buckley Barracks who gave their time and energy so generously and made our day so special. A special mention goes to our parents helpers—military and civilian who joined us for the day to help us with our learning.